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  • A physically disabled boy sitting in a wheelchair. Photograph, ca. 1910/1925.
  • A physically disabled boy sitting in a wheelchair. Photograph, ca. 1910/1925.
  • A physically disabled boy sitting in a wheelchair. Photograph, ca. 1910/1925.
  • A physically disabled boy sitting in a wheelchair. Photograph, ca. 1910/1925.
  • [Red cross nurse tending to a recovering soldier (?) in a wheelchair].
  • [Red cross nurse tending to a recovering soldier (?) in a wheelchair].
  • A physically disabled boy sitting in a wheelchair in a garden. Photograph, ca. 1910/1925.
  • A physically disabled boy sitting in a wheelchair on a beach. Photograph, ca. 1910/1925.
  • A physically disabled boy sitting in a wheelchair on a beach. Photograph, ca. 1910/1925.
  • A figure is pushed in a wheelchair. A painting by a Chinese artist, ca. 1850.